Frequent FAQ

How can I order?

  1. Please contact us first through the contact form or by email at
  2. We will check the availability of the product and provide you estimate, and answer all your questions.
  3. Once you agreed on quotation details,  we will issue your an invoice describing the price, product information, payment terms, and so on.
  4.  Further, you will need to make full payment before the shipment. Only after full payment, we are able to ship your machinery. 

Where can I see the products?


Click on the stock list and choose what you are looking for "Tractors", "Excavators" or "Truck-mounted cranes". Further, you will see the list of available machinery at the moment. If you click on the image, you will be able to see more pictures of the machinery. If you want to see more, please send us an inquiry in the contact form below or email us on 

What are you selling?


Antei Corporation is selling

  • Japanese used farm tractors and attachments for tractors (rotary, loaders, backhoes and etc)
  • Japanese used combine harvesters and other rice planting machines
  • Japanese used excavators, backhoe, skid steer loaders, rollers, compressors and other heavy construction equipment
  • Japanese used truck-mounted cranes
  • Other Japanese used machineries: trucks, forklifts, mixer trucks and etc. 

We are selling such brands as Kubota, Yanmar, Iseki, Tadano, UNIC, Nansei, Komatsu, Kobelco, Catapillar and more!